Intelligent Security Systems EN

SecurOS® FACT Check
Facial Authentication-based Access Control for Airports

SecurOS® FACT Check from ISS helps airports streamline access control for employees, contractors, guests, and others by providing a frictionless facial authentication solution. Unlike traditional card-based credentials that can be easily lost or stolen, our hardware-agnostic Faces As Credentials Technology or FACT, for short, enables those in aviation environments to use their current infrastructure, such as surveillance cameras and card readers, to create a new biometric access control platform.

Because SecurOS® FACT Check allows you to use existing photos from your access control or identity management system, there is no need to re-enroll the workforce, thus eliminating excessive costs and labor typically associated with user enrollment and credential management initiatives. Additionally, the platform can be used as a standalone access system or in conjunction with other credentials for applications that require multi-factor authentication.


Complete Business Protection with a Comprehensive Security Solution | Intelligent Security Systems

Multifactor Authentication

Special mode to manage access control systems for both single-factor and multi-factor authentication.

Tailored Office Security Systems for Comprehensive Protection | Intelligent Security Systems


System checks for face liveness and sends alerts if printed or mobile photos are presented at a reader.

Secure Your Business with a Comprehensive Security System | Intelligent Security Systems

Seamless Integrations with ACS

Existing integration with all major access control systems (ACS).

Monitor and Track with an Advanced Tracking System | Intelligent Security Systems

Two-Dimensional Image Support

Leverage existing photos in the access control or identify management system without the need to re-enroll current employees.

Strengthen Your Network Security with Enterprise Software Solutions | Intelligent Security Systems

Eliminate Bias

With deployments in 56 countries globally, SecurOS® FACT Check works accurately with any demographic enabling rapid recognition of personnel.

Experience Enhanced Access Control with Securos ACS Module | Intelligent Security Systems

Speed of Entry

No need to stop or slow down as the entire process is done in less than 500 milliseconds. 

Comprehensive Security Systems for Businesses of Any Scale | Intelligent Security Systems


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